Low Stream Flow Advisory for the Kootenay-Columbia Region
August 28, 2015
Rivers in Southeast BC are currently experiencing low or very low stream flow conditions for this time of year. This winter produced a below normal snowpack throughout much of our region, and we have since experienced a dry, hot spring and summer. Over the past 60 days, the precipitation in the Kootenay and Lower Columbia regions have ranged between below 40% of normal up to 60% of normal. Temperatures in this area from early April to beginning of August have also been hotter than normal.
The following documents were sent out to all water utilities in the Kootenay-Columbia Region by the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO). They contain important information in regards to the drought and low stream flow conditions.
Please note that Level 1 Water Restrictions have been issued for all customers of the NSWU. Please refer to the Water Conservation Program found here: