Valve Mapping 2016
June 23, 2016
The North Shore Water Utility is currently updating updating water system maps with the locations of shutoff valves for individulal residences. In order to do so, staff may need accees to the water pipe inside your home to allow staff to trace the water line to the main and locate the shutoff valve. Finding the valave should take no more than 15 minutes.
The goal is to have all shutoff valves of all residents of the North Shore Water Utility updated this summer.
North Shore Water Utility staff have been going door to door over the past couple of weeks and you may have recieved a notice about this project. Thank you for your cooperation if you have already allowed access to locate your shutoff valve!
If we havent ye been able to connect with you please contact us. To coordinate a time for our staff to locate your shutoff valve e-mail [email protected] -please put your address in the "subject" line.
If you have any questions or concerns about this project please contact our office at (250) 509-2222.